I highly recommend Raj to any organizations looking for a good UI designer/developer.
Raj is a dedicated web developer, has keen eyes when it comes to finding flaws and room for improvement. His work shows a great attention to detail.
Raj is a joy to work with. Very knowledgeable in a myriad of graphic and web technologies, he was my right hand when it came to designing our products. This included conceptual wireframes, usability, design mockups. He carried this out with aplomb, dealing both with strategic analysts and with the customers to ensure the UI was perfect and worked as envisioned. He also produced all the graphic artifacts and programmed them in Adobe FLEX. Using the Flex Framework he took lifeless graphics and made them come alive. He actually created working mock-ups so that the visionaries could see how the applications works and the programmers would know what needed to be done. In addition to the SaaS applications, he ran our web-site which has over 3,000 pages including the Blog, email systems etc. All in all Raj is a very talented person who is able to logically apply his skills to business problems and make the visions come alive. I highly recommend him; he is great to work with and is a dedicated IT professional.